Zooming Workshop with Chattahoochee Handweavers Guild

So a few things happened to me at the end of 2020. We moved from city life to life in the country on Marsh Lake. The move has provided me with ample studio space with a beautiful view of the marsh and natural wetlands. I know it will be a source of inspiration for years to come.

South View of Marsh Lake

South View of Marsh Lake

It’s taken me a while to set up my studio space with ceiling repair, painting and UV window tinting, but I have much of what I hoped for including lots of natural light. All the drawers are filled with fiber, but not sure if it will keep me from buying more!

Moving in Studio

Moving in Studio

My Baby Macomber and Wolf Pup

My Baby Macomber and Wolf Pup

Unfortunately I got COVID 19 a month after moving in so I wasn’t able to completely get my studio in order. It basically wiped out the month of December for weaving, but I was able to hold a couple of pre-workshop zoom meetings. Participants from Chattahoochee Handweaver’s Guild received a material list and two drafts of Deflected Doubleweave with fiber recommendations via Dropbox.
What a great group of weavers of all skill levels they are! Day 1 included weaving sample variations with homework for various finishing instructions. Day 2 began with a presentation of their learning and surprises from their finished samples. The photos below highlight a few of their weaving samples or finished projects. All are completed on 8 shaft looms with the exception of one 32 shaft.

L to R: Beth Finn, Allison McIntyre, Susan Bennett, Leigh Skowronski, Judy Carpenter, Natalie Drummond, Kathy Roulston, and Teresa Edmisten (32 shaft).

L to R: Beth Finn, Allison McIntyre, Susan Bennett, Leigh Skowronski, Judy Carpenter, Natalie Drummond, Kathy Roulston, and Teresa Edmisten (32 shaft).

Prior the workshop, I completed this scarf in 5/2 Tencel, Rayon Boucle’ and Curry Zephyr. I wanted to vary the position of zephyr in the warp from previous weavings.

Rosepath scarf with alternate zephyr placement

Rosepath scarf with alternate zephyr placement

Here are photos of my demonstration workshop warp. I have also experimented with alternate treadling for this traditional medallion pattern. In addition, I have used the zephyr in different places as a weft. Zephyr is sett at 24 epi for this warp and there was less than 20% shrinkage after fulling.

L to R: Fulled sample alternate zephyr placement/treadling, front/back traditional medallion, fulled sample alternate zephyr placement, traditional medallion off loom unwashed, drawdown design, alternate zephyr placement on loom pics of color sampli…

L to R: Fulled sample alternate zephyr placement/treadling, front/back traditional medallion, fulled sample alternate zephyr placement, traditional medallion off loom unwashed, drawdown design, alternate zephyr placement on loom pics of color sampling

I’m really excited for my next group of weavers February 6 for round 2 of the Chattahoochee Handweavers Guild. It’s exciting to meet fellow weavers via zoom!


FRESH Exhibit


Hybrid Zoom Workshop