Where the Shuttle Meets the Shed

Excited to say I purchased an LED ring for zooming and videos! Will come in handy for guild meetings and offering workshops via zoom. Usually my weaving area is over lit with natural light or under lit in the evening. The LED ring light is great for adding extra light.



I’m experimenting with different ways to weave selvedges of deflected double weave currently. Here is one way to weave using three different weft colors. I’m using wefts that are hand-dyed by Kathrin Weber, Teresa Ruch, and Jane Stafford. Only one of the weft (light blue gray) colors travels all the way to the outer selvedge. Prior to video, I had already determined to bury the blue silk tussah yarn. The video has not been edited and I am certainly a novice with videoing my work.

Available in my Shop

Available in my Shop

If you like exploring different selvedge techniques, I have put together the notes, drafts, and fibers for a different deflected double weave pattern in my Shop. NatalieWoven Notes are available for download.
Another video follows to demonstrate yet a different option for handling three shuttles when working with deflected Doubleweave. Use the method that best meets your needs!


Manipulating Warps


Pure Michigan Wetfelting