Sunny Days and Moonlit Nights
One of my favorite things about being juried in at the Orchard Gallery of Fine Arts is the Themed Exhibits we have every March. It gives the artists a challenge and also an opportunity to try something new. Here is some of my themed exhibit work:
Fins, Feathers, Fur 2018
In 2019, I was weaving with supplemental warps as part of a study for a guild program as well as a weaving guild workshop in Virginia. I love using ribbon yarn for supplemental warps. I decided it would be perfect for the Bold and Bright Theme Show. Most know that I love color exploration while weaving as well as using space-dyed warps from Kathrin Weber of Blazing Shuttles. On occasion, I dye my own, but just not set up for a dyeing studio in my home.
Bold and Bright 2019
By 2020, I was now juried in as a 2D artist in felting. I actually learned to felt in 2014 from a good friend who had taken a class in Scotland. Over time, I studied, experimented, and took a Needlefelting workshop at Saline Valley Arts outside of Ann Arbor, Michigan and resurrected my love of Needlefelting. Our March themed exhibit was Sunny Days and Moonlight Nights.
Moonlit Nights meant a study of the night sky for me. When living in Michigan, I had the opportunity to view the Northern Lights - beautiful colors! I also included gold gimp thread in my weaving.
Sunny Days and Moonlit Nights 2020
Framing the end of a Sunny Day - this felting has pieces of my handwoven cloth incorporated into the wetfelting
A week after our artist reception, the Corona Virus Pandemic altered our world. The state of Indiana issued a Stay At Home Order. Although, we have gradually opened up, it leaves me wondering what the future will hold for exhibitions and artists shows. On a positive note, the pandemic has given me the courage to open an online store and a way to show the art I am working on.