Color Design: Where the Shuttle Meets the Shed

Color, design, and texture are three elements of weaving I love to explore. I’ll be teaching a weaving workshop via zoom to the Central Virginia Fiber Arts Guild later this month. I’ve finished up my last sample and I can’t wait!

Rosepath Sample Washed

Rosepath Sample Washed

About the sample, there is roughly 35% differential shrinkage as I wanted to get a textured look after washing. I’m using a space-dyed warp and variegated Tencel in the warp for 2 of the 4 warp yarns. After reflecting on the sample, I decided that the two weft yarns I selected were a little too close in color value and also - it was a bit more spring-like in coloring than I wanted for my next project. So I switched out the blue-green warp for an Autumn Green space dyed 10/2 cotton warp remnant by Kathrin Weber. To hear a bit more about the color changes, see the video I’ve posted in this blog.

Color Changes

Color Changes

Weaving Deflected Doubleweave with Space Dyed Warps and Color
After fulling

After fulling


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